

Revendo o epis�dio especial que foi ao ar antes do final de Seinfeld, uma esp�cie de colet�nea das melhores cenas da s�rie, sinto-me na obriga��o de tornar p�blica a minha admira��o por George Costanza. Em suas palavras:

�You can do better than me. You could throw a dart out the window and hit someone better than me. I'm no good!�

�It all became very clear to me sitting out there today, that every decision I've ever made, in my entire life, has been wrong. My life is the complete opposite of everything I want it to be. Every instinct I have, in every aspect of life, be it something to wear, something to eat ... It's all been wrong.�

�I wish there were pig men. You get a few of these pig men walking around I'm looking a whole lot better. Then if somebody wants to fix me up at least they could say, "Hey he's no pig-man!"�

�Just remember, it's not a lie if you believe it.�

�(Jerry's girlfriend walks in on George as he is changing)
RACHEL: (She screams) Oh my God! I'm sorry, I thought this was the baby's room. (she looks down) I'm really sorry. (She exits)
GEORGE: I was in the pool! I was in the pool!�


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